
This article is a beautiful educational gift and trip down memory lane. Many thanks.

Can we please send the violent criminal Torey Lanez (Daystar Peterson) back to Canada, and ban him, his father, and any others supporting violent criminal behavior from coming to the USA?

Please send the violent criminal Torey Lanez (Daystar Peterson) back to Canada and ban him, his father, and any others supporting violent criminal behavior from coming to the USA.

#facts - im now an official Lil Nas X stan, but that punch was soooo weak, lol. I thought i was the only one disappointed by the punch. but his acting will hopefully get better with practice!

Is he marrying the mothers? Because it sounds like he is creating more broken families. It grosses me out that he is “doing this on purpose” and that TheRoot.com writers are “loving it.”

This article is soooooo hilarious. It made my day. Thank you Mr. Linly!

you are a hero MH! LOL

F him all the way. Im glad students exercised their free speech by leaving his class and reporting him. You have freedom to say what you want, but like Uncle Charla from The Breakfast Club says, “you are not free from the consequences.” I hope Princeton delivers on the consequences. I am happy even White students

Jerome “Jerry” Seinfield.

This article swells my heart with joy! Except for the mayo.

I dont know whether or not he is on meds. But like @carrie mathison said, it shouldnt matter.

Please do not make fun of him (or others). I’m a psychiatrist, and rapid and extreme weight gain is a side effect of some of the best medications we have fore mood.

Maybe you should change the title of this article to “How to let white people bait you into a felony charge and a lifetime of underemployment.” I’m really sad that theroot.com published this article.

How can we get this on the front page of every news website?!?

Thank you for this. It made my day!!! “Why you always bringing up pole shit?” Cant stop laughing.