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Not the Judean People’s Front but the People’s Front of Judea?

He’s not a Nazi. He’s a member of the Notc party, the Nationalist Totally Coolest party.

Is “I have a hot eastern European wife” the new “my girlfriend goes to another school, you don’t know her....”?

A Simple Poem of Anger

“I have a hot eastern European wife, as everyone knows” 

Yes, got get the goddamn shot.

Journalists are not supposed to be the story...We’re supposed to be humble. We’re supposed to use whatever time we’re given to shine a light on other stories. I mean, there are so many stories that we’re not covering, and to take time with this...is not journalism.

Right? No one wants to hear your angry Santa is white style ranting on a morning show, Megyn.

Yeah, Megyn kelly doesn’t get that the whole Right-Wing butthurt outrage doesn’t translate well to a milktoast forum like the Today Show.

I think Darren Aronofsky is going to be one of those who get away with any harassment. The guy’s a fucking creep, his films seem obsessed with putting young women in abusive situations, and he seems to date as close to half his age as he can get.

I am always and forever here for Ann Curry dragging the shit out of everyone. She is incredible.

I’m low-key obsessed with her recovery saying “Kalelujah!”

Call me a grouch, but I found her repeated mispronunciations to be distracting. Once or twice would have been charming, but she flubbed a name almost every time she opened her mouth. I thought she should have practiced some of the names beforehand.

I think there are issues with the power disparity of offering long-term birth control that needs a doctor to remove it to prisoners, but I agree that it’s misleading to call Nexplanon sterilization. It’s a LARC, exactly equivalent to an IUD. I think offering LARCs to female prisoners free of charge is a great idea,

There’s a great deal of historical context around the matter that makes a lot of people very wary of any situation where a person could at all be seen as having been coerced into accepting sterilization.

A vasectomy is considered to be a permanent form of birth control, and any decent urologist warns male patients considering one that they should assume a vasectomy *will* be permanent, because they sometimes are. The more time passes, the more likely it is that the vasectomy cannot be reversed, and the man left

But no sex ed or condoms to prevent the same fate with the non criminal populace?

Forced or coerced sterilization is not just abhorrent, it’s considered a Crime Against Humanity by the International Criminal Court Statute. Which, interestingly enough, the US signed and then almost immediately withdrew from.

So there is a way to get free birth control from the gov’t?