JT Molloy

Way's run's popularity:

There is a Vandals album called "Fear Of A Punk Planet" that came out in the early 90's. Also, the original punk scene and the early hardcore scene have been documented to death. I'll never watch an 80's hardcore documentary again after the Chicago scene's "You Weren't There" where assjob nobodies like Steve Albini

Yes. "Rookie" is rad. BSF is one of the only post-hardcore bands I actually like.

Bill M…. with a picture of Batman……. hmmmmm…. who could this be?

Go find Classics Of Love's LP. It's incredible. A Jessie Michaels hardcore album with 2 songs that are dead ringers for Operation Ivy SKA.

Also, Lillingtons rule and "I saw the ape man, he was having a bad day, because Neil Armstrong, took his banana away" is lyrical genius and I'm not joking.

One of the only cool things in Watch Dogs I'd say!

Yes they are. "It just takes some time! Bidda bidda bidda bidda elvooo lime? everything everything!". It's like people who insist Butthole Surfers weren't a one hit wonder. Sure, they had some genre career 5 people knew about, but they decided to trash all that to put some dumb song out millions remember and disappear.

Yep. I used to wear a blink-182 "skankin rabbit" shirt in 1997/8 and people would start blinking their eyes at me a buncha times like "have I hit 182 yet?". They weren't a smash hit until Enema.

I LOVED this series. Thank you so much for writing it. I remember reading the series about Alt-Rock by year, but it didn't really speak to me as much as this one did as I was into punk rock in my 90's teen years.