James T Meretti

Best Kotaku article I’ve ever read, along with a valuable life lesson.

Shit happens... it’s entirely possible that the bellypan looked perfectly ok, but the fiberglass was cracking around the mounts under the paint.

Someone suggested that maybe we can lease him on a month to month basis as president until someone can offer up a non-shitty candidate.

Poor NSX. Trump probably grabbed it by the intake manifold.

Trump once owned an NSX and it was manual.

Does it matter? I’m still not voting for either of them.

I firmly believe everyone learning how to drive should start on a manual transmission.

So they'll take the time to sieze and remove illegaly immigrated cars that do no harm. But not the illegal immigrants that congest the cities, pay no taxes, and dirve up health care costs. APPLAUD YOUR GOVERNMENT FOR THEIR EFFORTS!!!!!!!! Your tax dollars at work.