
Funny there was another group of people that had the same idea as you do, they were called NAZIS.

Your comment = definition of censorship.

That’s the thing about Facebook. It has no moral responsibility. It’s up to the individual to obtain their news from credible sources to make an informed opinion.

I wish “the entire angry right wing” would show their anger for once.

It’s shocking how people can be so naive to the irony of their beliefs. I’d spend a lot of time revisiting what you believe to be ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ and then ask yourself why. You should write some reflections. This might help you realize the problem you have intellectually caused yourself to be involved in. Good

Wow... just, wow.

I get that Facebook is their own company and they have the right to do with their product what they want, but to agree that it’s a good thing just shows how far down the rabbit hole we’ve gone.

Just because you don’t agree with the news doesn’t mean it should be suppressed. If there’s a story on

You very distinctly outlined why I am no longer a “liberal”. Just because they don’t agree with you, you want them stopped, suppressed, shut down. The fascism of the left is out of control.

You are against censorship unless someone has an opinion different than yours. How noble.