
I've read about shorter guys not "letting" their girlfriends wear high heels, and I've never, never understood that. It's just crazy. The only thing I would object to a significant other wearing is Romney/Paul 2012 paraphernalia. And even then I'd try to be very polite about it.

Oh, man, do guys really write "no fatties" on their profiles? Without irony?

Has anyone ever volunteered for RAINN? I honestly don't know too much about the organization other than what I've read on its website and Wikipedia. I want to start volunteering my time, and it seems like a worthy cause.

Can we talk about height?

This is a little tangential, but I've noticed that I tend to match highly with artist types. Which tends to reinforce the whole job interviewing vibe that I get from online dating, but in a slightly different way. This is a broad and probably unfair generalization, but I notice that artist profiles tend to really want

I really wonder sometimes how introverts meet each other.

Thanks for the tips! I really should edit my profile down to be more succinct. The only problem is when I sit down to do that, it feels too much like I'm editing my resume for a job. And I guess it just feels wrong that I have to socially engineer what I say about myself for such things.

Yeah, so I think I'm done with OKCupid.

You won't have physical access to your phone at all, or just no connection? I don't think the Google Authenticator app requires an internet connection (doesn't it work off of some pre-set algorithm?)

I don't disagree that two weeks would be pushing it (I was intentionally estimating on the high side). Seriously, though, it seems that when this topic comes up I read about people who throw out food after like 2-3 days. Or, alternately, throw out food if it didn't go directly into the refrigerator after cooking.

Tangential question: how long do people usually keep leftovers? Over the last few years I've come to realize that my eating habits seem to skew from the norm.

Heat vision + a mirror. Seriously, I think he did that on the animated series

I get the criticism of long emails, but I honestly don't know how not to write long emails sometimes. In my job I have to deal with accounting and financial ledgers. Sometimes there's a complicated accounting practice that I'm not sure gels with our regulations (I'm a government regulator). I have to ask my manager if

Have you ever noticed that something like 30% of all forum/blog comments start with, "Am I the only one who..."?

Four or five slices of bread?! That's like two to two-and-a-half sandwiches!

You can port your current cell number (assuming you have one) over to Google voice. That means Google takes over as the "owner" of that number from AT&T (think of Google as being your new "service provider"). Then just use the google voice app for your phone; you should be able to receive texts over wifi. I'm not sure

So I just bought a Mohu Leaf Plus (partially on the suggestion of LH), and was just slightly disappointed that I wouldn't be able to leverage the powered aspect of it by just mounting it behind the TV to hide it.

This is just too lovely.

Update: I was completely wrong. Looks like you can upload documents to just sign yourself as well. I was even able to download an android app to take a picture of my signature/initial so it looks pretty legitimate (and completely legal!). As long as I don't need it beyond the 30 day trial period, this will probably be

It might even be easier to pick one up while I'm out of town. Thanks for the tip.