
Dear Land Rover. This is how it's done. Thank you. 

Ya hate to see it?

...and it’s already too late for them.

Republican have changed their tune now that the virus is killing their own voters. They kept their fingers crossed that it would stay in the more densely-populated costal states and they could gaslight everyone through it. Now that’s it’s in the red states and spreading like wildfire they are trying to backtrack. The

If he wears a mask, he admits that COVID is a big deal and the one message he has been consistent on since the beginning is that this will all go away soon and it’s really no big deal. He sees changing his mind or message as weakness and he’d rather be wrong.

This isn't the first time a Conservative Chief Justice saw the court unfairly get stacked with conservative Justices and understanding the importance of the job became a contextualist. 

Kimmel, Fey, Fallon, SIlverman, etc, etc, etc. The “etc” is why I’m not really phased by this. These people even took a little criticism for their shit at the time and hid behind the idea that they can pull it off because they’re comedians. At least I guess that’s what they tell each other in their circles, and it

Though, earnestly, if the episodes were Tina Fey in blackface, I’d bet she would stand by the jokes (and honestly they don’t need much defending, I don’t think anybody has called these instances of blackface out because I think, for the most part, people who watch 30 Rock are also able recognize context).

It’s Tina Fey’s show and she can do what she wants with it.

Fey’s had a long history of racism-related fuckery. I’m surprised it’s taken this long to bite her in the ass.

Remember how Fey was miffed at people for being put off by the one “Kimmy Schmidt” episode where a group of offended college students protest Titus’s yellowface routine, only to come around because he sang so beautifully in full geisha costume? And that people who called it out said stuff like “well he’s Black

There’s a reason every director in Hollywood now has Christopher Plummer on speed-dial.

Or, they could just stop production and that way, no one has to be subjected to another version of West Side Story.

Since nobody else has said it, this is why the call is for engaged and enthusiastic consent. Not implied consent, or assumed consent. The girl was 17, and he obviously wielded a substantial and outsized power and influence comparatively, regardless of the age of consent. If your partner seems uncomfortable or in pain

and for everyone in the back: automatically denying something is not somehow more intellectually virtuous than taking it seriously. if your reaction to someone saying ‘i’ve been raped’ is ‘sounds like technically it was legal’ you’re not some cool contrarian you’re just a dweeb.

just for everyone in the back: the issue isn’t that it-might-possibly-technically not be statutory rape. the issue is that what she’s describing is regular rape, including the phrase ‘we need to break you in’ while deflowering a 17 year old.

Lotta rape apologist shitheads in the comments on a sunday morning with nothing better to do than be shitheads. Ignore them.

The hard part is having this shit pop up when you least expect it. If I had joined a white nationalists or even a pro-cop group, I would expect racist memes. But I was looking for camaraderie over a unique shared experience, as far away from Punisher logos and Hurricane Katrina jokes as one could be.

This isn’t a hot take but Facebook is a fucking cesspool. I joined a naval submarine veteran group to talk about the good ol’ days and catch up on fleet gossip and it was all the same White Lives Matter, racist memes and awfulness.

Oct 21, 2016