J. Thunder

Someone might mention it before the tribute reel.

I liked the Talladega Night track with McKay and Ian Roberts where they made up some BS story that drug cartels were throwing crew members out of helicopters and the movie being over budget due to paying Donald Sutherland six figures to appear as a background extra.

Sassy Trump is also an acceptable option.


Affleck was pretty hilarious on that commentary track. My favorite bit was him pretending to be so depressed having to play the stereotypical asshole bully that he entertained overdosing on pills as an option. He then imagined Smith and the crew wouldn't have given a shit.

I could see them working in a bit where Gallagher read for the Leary part. "I can be a villain too Marc!"

I forgot to call this time, but I hope someday they will cover "The Fan" and/or "Death Sentence."

Ryan and McConnell seem to be the only two people in the country with no sleeping issues.

There's a funny YouTube video of on Deadly Ground's highlights where they show a repeat cut of Seagal punching the guy again after his moment of clarity.

New White House staffer GOB Bluth unveils new banner to WH Press Corps: COUNTRY LOVE TRUMP!

"Because he is Batman, you moron!"

I misspoke. Levinson asked Tarantino to only write a couple of episodes of Homicide, not to direct.

A funny behind the scenes story I read from a book about Cameron was when Arnold was goofing around on the True Lies set, Cameron got in his face and told him to just get Paul Veroheven to finish the movie if he wants to be late.

True, RD wasn't a financial hit, but coming out of Sundance, it generated a lot of critical acclaim and the studios wanted him. In the book Rebels on the Backlot, there's a passage detailing the time Barry Levinson almost got Tarantino to write/direct an episode of Homicide. According to the book, Tarantino got

This was after Reservoir Dogs.

Dustin Hoffman as Lenny Bruce

I never really watched the XFL, but I remember a sports writer reviewing the first game and being annoyed with an XFL announcer describing the two teams as having a long term contentious rivalry as if they were on par with the Lakers vs Celtics of the 80s. I found it amusing.

The Republicans do care. They fear the wrath of Soros and his armies of millionaire protesters, of course. A guy outside the local courthouse was shouting this today.

The media got it wrong in 2000 with Bush/Gore election, 2003 with the Iraq War, but with their massive failure informing the public last year, they finally get..the Turkey.

David Gregory and Rove dancing was very painful.