
so... Dune is now Denis Villeneuve’s ?

so... Dune is now Denis Villeneuve’s ? May the ghost of Frank Herbert rise and haunt these robber barons until they are far more upfront about whose creative universe this was.

Max’s new prequel to Denis Villeneuve’s sci-fi saga follows the rise of the Bene Gesserit, 10,000 years before the events of Dune

I don’t mean to sound snide but this woman’s entire career came and went and suddenly there’s biopics and docs about her and I’m just like “Wait, what? Who is this?”

Then I read up and she was, apparently, really famous. But I swear to god the Matrix just conjured her out of thin air, I barely recall seeing anything

Watching Manhunter is why I read Harris’s book.

I just watched it again a couple of weeks ago.  Such a fun movie, and Pine seems like he’s having a great time in it.

No need to apologize, I was actually trying to figure out while writing what was the correct way to do it and now looking at it again see the obvious error there.

*Chrises (sorry)

I keep seeing Chris Pine and thinking, Its time for a D&D rewatch

I gotta put Hemsworth & Evans above Pine.

Yeah. Like we can deservedly mock the movie, but it was clearly a labor of love. So great that Pine was able to process that reaction in such a healthy way.

You know, good for him. 

Piers Morgan should not be platformed. We generally don't pay him any attention in the U.K.

Someone doesn’t understand corporate agency or entities.

Yes, Apple still exists as an entity. Its past deeds still belong to it. 

It really tied the pool together.

I’m a big fan of Pine, and good for him for making his own version of BIG LEBOWSKI, but this:

Honestly, I think Deadpool shines by not being a CGI-fest tentpole maximum-stakes kind of films.

You left out the glorified barcode reader, cuecat, which “managed to rack up $185 million in funding from high-profile corporate backers such as Coca Cola and General Motors”.

It’s so different that it could almost be labeled “garlic in name only”. Still it’s fantastic.

I mean, the dude is Canadian. He’s genetically modified to be incredibly polite and kind. So to somehow piss HIM off (via impoliteness, which Canucks obviously cannot abide, in the form of being chronically late to work) seems pretty telling.