
I would not watch a movie where Pauly Shore plays Richard Simmons, but I would watch a movie where Richard Simmons makes Pauly Shore cry.

So we could’ve gotten to see Drew hang prosthetic dong?

We trans people live rent-free in you idiots’ heads

I get that this point is purely about sticking it to trans people, but even if she wasn’t a shitheel this comment would be such peak millenial brainrot. Yes, the baby wizard books lady is the greatest author of our generation because it was the only long book you, personally, have ever bothered to finish.

Jeebus. This is only a few ill-conceived SCOTUS rulings away from the nightmare scenario where prosecutors don’t need to try cases anymore because: “AI can be used to determine guilt by scanning the defendant’s face. Our algorithm says that “darker” faces are guilty, while “lighter” faces are not.”

I suspect I speak

Yeah trying to make a new Clue movie is a losing proposition.  The classic one is so well regarded and loved, making a new one is doomed to failure.

The f - it -flam - flames. Flames, on the side of my face, breathing-breathl- heaving breaths. Heaving breaths... Heathing...

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Patrick should show his parents some of the other work he’s been doing. With the right selections they’ll forget about Family Guy real quick.

I’ve watched a couple of the more recent episodes. Good lord, it deserves all the hate you can give it.

hell of a lot easier explaination than her comic origin. 

Lionsgate’s excuse is that they didn’t give residuals because they thought all three died at the end of the first movie.

You realize this is a Deadpool movie right? Toilet humor and naughty words are normal.

...you sure you saw the other 2 movies? Do you think Deadpool just discovered swearing and drugs now? Do you think this is the first time Wolverine has said the F word in a movie?

You’re over on Reddit having a meltdown about Transformers One as well, huh?

Nice catch!


Meanwhile, three people attached to the board of directors for the shell company that made the IPO possible pled guilty to insider trading earlier this month. Nunes’s complaint shows the classic mindset of those in Trump’s sphere of influence. If you are constantly swimming in malfeasance and financial crimes, it’s

Snyder seems like the kind of guy who likes Dune because he thinks Paul is a badass and also there are giant worms that swallow dozens of people.

If I were to ever finance one of his ideas, I would want him to work closely with the visual designers and visual directors and stay away from the writer’s room and the head director’s chair.

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The Scargiver is an unmistakable blend of Akira Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai and George Lucas’ Star Wars