
I’m looking forward to the musical number about how the Joker feels about big butts and how he can't lie about how he feels about big butts.

I’ll just remind everyone, because a lot of people certainly seem like they’re actively trying to ignore it, that Todd Phillips was on the side of the executives during the strikes and said everyone deserved to go broke from it.

Still can’t tell the difference between this and The People’s Joker.

Stretching pretty hard to make this narrative even vaguely into a story worth writing about. Danny DeVito as his John Goodman?!? Really? 

You... aren't married, are you. 

What a lovely day in the AVClub when we can get both Isla Fisher AND Amy Adams stories.

I remember a couple of my friends going on about Gal Gadot in the lingerie scene in “Keeping up with the Joneses” and me thinking — “Wait... you think Gal is hotter than ISLA?!?”

Hey, the standard you’re being compared to is Sacha Baron Cohen, so it’s probably looking pretty good for you.

Them’s fighting words me first. LOL

So you’re saying she’s single.

This pudgy, sweaty, bespectacled internet commenter will finally take his shot! 

the Incel Camino has issues?

My issue with the doc is a common problem I see with these HBO Documentary “series”. They have enough material for a real tight and interesting 2 hour documentary but then decide to pad it and “shocking cliff hangers” and such to turn it into 4 episodes of content. I binged it so maybe I noticed it a bit more but

Harsh, but I guess pacing wasn’t an issue for you. Agree to disagree.

While the doc overall has worthy goals, I do wonder why you’d even bother steering an interview with him in this direction since, as has been pointed out, it has nothing to do with the shows he was on and generally concerns a phase of the network that was after his time there.

Saw it tonight. It was fun enough, but an A is ridiculous (a little bit of grade inflation to showcase progressive bona fides, but it’s the AV Club, so to be expected). My issue was mostly pacing—it takes a while to get to the first fight sequence, then even longer to get to the next, and there isn’t enough that’s

Agreed. I absolutely get why he is upset about being included when he asked not to be, but before I clicked I was worried that he would be implicated in some way, and every indication from everything I’ve ever read are that he’s a good dude and I thought that illusion would be smashed. But sounds like he just helped

I can understand wanting to distance himself from all of that but, honestly, his genuinely shocked reaction only made him look better. He doesn’t have anything to be upset about (other than the events that caused the documentary to exist at all)

Breasts are not porn.

The funniest thing is everyone on social media climbing over each other to declare every single second of the movie is obviously inspired by John Wick, because apparently that’s the only badass action movie that anyone knows anymore, and the idea of another action movie being inspired by something else, or even