
Sure but just vote Biden in November and you won’t have to actually worry about any of this.

Like so, so many other aspects of our continually adapted constitution, the electoral college made a lot more sense 234 yrs ago. Much like the ‘sacred’, outdated 2nd amendment.   https://www.archives.gov/electoral-college/history

Spider-Verse was better in just about every way. It was like a movie from the future. But voters probably didn’t even see either movie, and just voted for Miyazaki.

I feel like once he’s dead I’m gonna keep going.

To be fair her boobs are glorious. But yea boobs are not hard to find these days. Back in my day we had to work for our porn. A spring break movie on Cinemax, or a magazine hidden in the basement if you were lucky.

Scorsese’s epic was undoubtedly one of the best films of the year.

Unlike the clear and concise “Squid Game” or “BEEF”.

Like you said, just eat the damn skin!

That’s what always has stuck in my craw, as it were.

The problem with the endings is that Mass Effect was pitched as having meaningful choices with persistent, long-term consequences. The endings should have been the culmination of the choices you made across the three games.

Nope, it sucked. Even the extended ending was still bad.

It did ambiguity badly. It also shoehorned in a revelation and debate “AI and biologicals can’t co-exist” that you could literally disprove if you’d done the previous missions correctly. And it tossed aside any real consideration of the thoughts or decisions

This looks really terrible...and already better than Joker.

Oh Apple, how far you have fallen from the Jobs/Wozniak tree... I was an Apple Fan Boy until Steve passed. I knew that once his vision was gone, the company would turn for profit chasing and no longer be the innovating company they once were.  

It’s pretty easy to see that Apple is going to get slapped down by the law again at the end of this tantrum. Clear retaliation to boot.

I wonder what the EU will think of Apple blocking an alternative store after the regulation changes

Can wait!

I gave up going through the rest of the slides after seeing pineapple ranked behind fucking... sauerkraut and olives?

This might be the worst list regarding burgers I’ve ever seen. It’s just so wrong! It really reads like the author secretly hates burgers, and also has no taste. There are also a lot of assumptions (e.g. Tomatoes will always be mealy or sad) that make no sense. I mean, they can be of course, but that being your

You know you wanna try it, at least once”

Hard disagree on raw onions, but then again, I just don’t like raw onions in any context.  Biting into a raw onion is like getting a sudden blast of mace to the tongue; it just dominates the flavor of anything it is paired with.