
Yeah, nobody thinks this. This is laughable.

That has nothing to do with government and EVERYTHING to do with those ISPs and streaming platforms looking to maximize profits. I am all for small government, but this is not the time or place....look what happened under that clown Ajit. 

Well, the battery farm system is still a ‘farm’ system - and someone assuming something is ‘fresh’ simply because it came from a farm is really inventing an entire storyline out of a marketing tag.

Fucking awful, awful man. Too bad the fall wasn’t more serious.

This feels like the hundredth time I’ve read about an amazing new feature/function on a iPhone that Android implemented months or even years before.

I honestly don’t think I have previously heard anything by Drake (at least not that I know of), but was interested to hear the copying from PSB. Didn’t actually make it to the pilfered lines because that song is just awful. I’m not gonna go with “is that what the kids call music” old-man rant, but that song was utter s

“I was at church a couple of weeks ago, and our pastor talked about on this issue in particular, we need to speak gently and kindly because it is such a sensitive issue and there are a range of different viewpoints on the question of life. Mine happens to evolve from my position on faith and my relationship with

No Republican has ever had an extra-marital affair. Ever. This is well known.

lol how does a comment like this get past the greys?

It's almost as if it's not some massive conspiracy and he's just a fucking idiot. 

Exorcist III is so sooo much better than Psycho II or Halloween III.

This. And Jezebel linking to the son’s piece in The Federalist without noting what type of outlet it is, is beyond sus. That’s a far right rag known for publishing misinformation during Covid, among other bullshit.


“Uh... no, Peg.

So...Matt Gaetz pays influencers to attack people online.

Really seems like Zack Snyder or some NetFlix exec saw a product like D&D, thought “Wow, It sure would be cool to have so much worldbuilding material to work with, but how could we afford to do it?” and decided to scam a TTRPG company out of their labor

Roiland looks like the kinda manchild who brings a board game no one has heard of to a house party and throws a tantrum when no one wants to play.

the global conflict depicted in Edwards’ thrilling film, which pits artificially enhanced intelligent robots against humanity