
Agreed. I was a nerd computer kid and I didn’t build my first website until ‘95.

*ahem* It’s

Not really. It’s Texas, after all.

They claim that the only area in which it could be helpful.”

Right, sorry for sharing my personal and professional opinion.

Yeah, it would have been some sanctimonious bullshit about her being true to herself and aging gracefully, not disfiguring herself to cleave to societal expectations. Terribly embarrassing. I’d never be able to show my avatar again.

THIS. Every new iPhone they seem to announce some innovative new feature that’s been a part of Android for years.

Jesus, look at how much plastic surgery Love has had. She most definitely gives a fuck, and is deeply insecure.

What’s funny is he thinks the bros watching Rebel Moon have girlfriends/wives, and only watch it once.

If that’s what you think, you’ve got another thing coming.

Well, she was 100% right about NFTs being super cool and good, so probably she’s right about this.

And for me, Conan has so much personality (and is so over the top at times) that I think he’d drown out anything truly interesting from the guest. To each their own, I suppose.

No, and that’s a fair question. But I’d argue the point of the show isn’t him at all - it’s the guests setting their mouths on fire.

I feel like you’re missing a nuance of the format, and that’s specifically to ask more serious-minded and thought-provoking questions while the guest’s brain is overwhelmed with capsaicin-induced pain. Just having someone on to joke around and plug their new project wouldn’t be nearly as fun.

But... how can this be possible? Normally these forced-proximity dating/relationship reality shows end in undying forever-love!

Back off, my pitch for Powerfluff Girls comes first!

Pretty sure insecurity is a defining trait of men who feel the need to label themselves “alphas.” It’s all bravo and braggadocio.

You’re just a treat.

Gamera is really neat

The Cones of Dunshire is anything but “punishingly intricate.” It’s maybe a 2.6 out of 5.