
ChatGPT and Grok produced responses that were almost identical, nearly word for word. In many other questions, such as a prompt about racism in American police forces, all the chatbots gave variations on “it’s complex” and provided ideas to support both sides of the argument using similar language and examples.”

To each their own, of course. Wildly creative, sure. Fascinating, even. In the context of the larger Duniverse, fine. Great? Can’t quite go there. For me it’s where all Herbert’s worst psilocybin inspirations start piling up.

And Chapterhouse is a total mess, full stop.

Every Godzilla movie since the first has tried to put the emphasis on the human characters, with the problem that most are simply not very interesting. Minus One pulled off deeply relatable and sympathetic human characters and a lot of smashy smash.

God Emperor is not a ‘great’ book, tho. It’s... something, but it’s not great.

But what did Steven Spielbergo think?

To be fair, the Earth has never experienced a total solar eclipse before. It’s understandable for people to be concerned when we venture into completely unprecedented territory.

Pull Minus One from this equation. It stands apart as a ‘whole other thing.’

Every single review said it was too dark and there weren’t enough monsters smashing each other.

Seems odd you mention 2014's Godzilla, 2017's Skull Island, and 2021's Godzilla vs Kong, but not 2019's Godzilla: King of the Monsters. I expect that film really informa a lot of subtle storytelling and nuanced character development.

With that hair?! IN THIS ECONOMY?!?!!

How much caffeine is okay?

If you are buying Chips Ahoy with the goal of eating a good cookie, you’ve already made a grave error.

“...after the pull-out.”

Since when does blue = stunning?

Bet you didn’t see that coming.

No, he’s well known for his genius words and using them for talkingness. Dink.

Just so long as they’re doing what’s best for Godzilla. :)

Saw a trailer for The Bikeriders this weekend, and while the trailer seemed interesting, I laughed out loud when the title card came up. I don’t care what the origin of it is, it’s a terrible, terrible name.

My only complaint was the quasi-western-style fight cinematography where you don’t get to see the fighters’ entire bodies - especially in the final duel. At least there were a good number of long unedited exchanges, which was good; they weren’t jump-cut together.

They both took some of my money. Panda with my kid and Dune with my mom. Been a long long time since I saw two movies in a theater within a week of each other, much less in one weekend.