
To be completely fair... she has been punched in the head a lot.

Shh, it’s beloved, and besides Brandon Lee died.

This looks SO much more competent and appealing that Morbius on nearly every level, this is a surprising take.

I have zero interest in it, but given the angsty-goth-revenge-fantasy of the source comics, it looks like they’re being pretty faithful.

At least for a time there was some overlap - there was a Hardees in Colorado where I went to college, but an hour south you could also find Carl’s Jr. - now they’re both Carl’s.

If you love raw onion, OF COURSE adding it makes things ‘better.’

Pineapple and teriyaki on a good burger is fantastic. This person is an idiot.

Sorry, Kinja doesn’t support the sarcasm font. Should have said “original.

The skin is completely fine. I can understand people not being keen on the fuzz, but it’s honestly completely innocuous. I took a chance and bit into one like an apple and now all the peeling and scooping and avoidance just seems ridiculous.

To be fair, Avatar was original.

This is exactly right. All of the choices you made up to this point, the plot branches you completed and how you completed them, wound up not mattering at all.

A lawyer can’t stop me from seeing it? Judging by the trailer, I guess I’ll have to rely on common sense and good taste to keep me from seeing it.

How do you manage interspecies character hookups in a board game?
Uh... asking for a friend.

Arrival is great, just steer clear of Sicario. A very well-made but deeply stupid film.

Ooh, how about it’s immoral to charge taxes to the descendants of slaves OR descendants of people whose ancestors fought to free slaves?

Came to say this. Thank you.

There... there are non-stealth kills?

Yeah, can’t endorse ‘underrated,’ but it was massively overshadowed by that Switch game with the little elf girl. 

... but, y’know, less.

I’m already disappointed the movie isn’t actually titled “The Crow: Sobbing Nipple of Justice.

Mayo on hot dogs... that’s fine, I guess. I’m not rushing out to try it, but whatever floats your boat.