
Interesting - I’m also sans gallbladder and have never had a problem with whole milk. Or ice cream, for that matter. My problems come with fatty meat (goodbye ribeye, hello tenderloin) and fried foods. :(

This is your ad-blocker(s) wiping out hyperlinked words.

This is your ad-blocker(s) wiping out hyperlinked words.

Let’s be clear though - this doesn’t mean he didn’t like it.

I expected AI to do the tedious work for creative people, but instead it’s doing the creative work for tedious people.

And yet the same people pushing so hard for AI seem to be the same bros pushing for crypto and NFTs and other bullshit...

Tiny little dick, most likely.

Yeah, ditto this... I’m still hopeful this’ll be good with Gunn at the helm, but man, Otis and Miss Tessmacher are not encouraging inclusions.

Perhaps the AI recognizes that white people are just the worst.

Nah, you’re wrong, friend. I saw it opening day and ‘Part One’ was in the opening credits. Go ride sand.

...finally gets to show off how he mastered riding the sand...

You are wrong. It was Part One from the beginning. People just didn’t pay attention.


That performer is Lisa Ann, and she’s very much not dead.

We can, and should, still call them Tweets.

I’d be happy with just a good Dr. Doom.

I think that’s the retrofitted version of the character, but Venom wasn’t a hero in any sense. He was a murderer. A straight-up villain.

Personally, I didn’t think much of Venom when he was introduced, and have never cared for the character. The Secret-Wars black-suit setup was intriguing, but when the teeth and tongue appeared, meh, no thanks.

They are awful, but for some reason Venom is a super-popular character, so they didn’t tank as badly as they should have.

There are plenty of other perfectly edible bugs, people.