
We went to California Adventure specifically for Jack-Jack’s Cookie Num-nums. I mean, we did other stuff at the park, but that was MY #1 draw.

If its the same recipe as Jack-Jack’s Cookie Num-nums over at California Adventure, they’re probably great.

Counterpoint: Watching Larry David get fake-mad about nothing is extremely not funny.

But ‘better’ steakhouses don’t cook their steaks in butter, do they?

It could be any other musician, they do not feel specific to Marley.”

Is this still must-have if you don’t drink coffee? I hate to miss a trend.

Next up for Ed Harris - the lead role as the Crypt Keeper in a Tales from the Crypt feature. No makeup or effects needed!

The series creator/S1 howrunner seems to think the connections between this season and his season are ‘stupid.’ So there’s that.


Not great, but so much better than Buffy.

Someone has fucked it. Past tense.

Beetlejuice 2: Electric Boogaloo </oblig>

This sounds great. I can’t wait for the next iPhone to come out so Apple can claim they invented it.

How this cookie compares to the best mass-produced chocolate-chip cookie available isn’t pertinent?

But how does it compare to Jack-Jack’s Cookie Num-nums at California Adventure?

You say that now, but wait until you see the gameplay trailer for “Tree Puncher 3: Grab A Rock!”

Was this really the “most underrated PS5 game?” Seems like it got excellent reviews and did pretty well on release.

Shawshank would be the top if it had some nekkid boobies in it.

It’s maybe even more fascinating to see how many of these directors continued to improve, how for some it was all downhill after their second movie, and how many just sort of did the same thing again and again and again.

Would you add a spoiler warning before any description or details that might, you know, spoil the film for someone who’d never seen it?