
It was not the original ending. In the original version, after the nurse attack, Kinderman just goes to Patient X (Karras) and shoots him. The end.

You forgot NFTs.

The lead photo is just painful to see. When you whittle, you cut _away_ from yourself. That dude’s about to slice the pad off his thumb.

“in-demand concert tickets more allusive elusive

Back up on the use of “we,” bro.

I am still wildly bothered by the fact that the cast regularly pronounces the prince’s name as “Erik” instead of “Airk” (‘er-ick’ versus ‘air-k’). Warwick Davis seemed to have it right in ep.2, but since then they’ve all lost it.

Haven’t you ever tried pizza with fresh rasberries? Everyone who’s super cool just loves it.

So the were-rats were rats that turned into bigger, hairless rats? Very odd.

Because all the academy members love to fuck fish.

Peer-reviewed papers are written for other scientists to understand and often use jargon and terminology that’s only understandable by people in their field. Scientific American takes peer-reviewed papers and journal articles and translates them into articles that the educated public can understand, including

Alton Brown introduced us to the salt cellar, and the one he uses - with handle and hinged lid - is unbelievably efficient and reliable. I can’t understand the appeal of one without a handle.

I am shocked people don’t know this already, or haven’t figured it out after using one of these services one time.

Elizabeth Warren would be such a good president.

Personally, I went to see Once Upon a Time... In Hollywood despite Leo being in it.

Because he is dead is probably the main reason.

“Gaslighting isn’t real, it’s all made up” isn’t the defense you think it is.

Your point? A colloquialism doesn’t mean something is made up, it’s just a non-formal substitute. ‘Pink eye’ is a colloquialism for conjunctivitis. Doesn’t mean conjunctivitis isn’t a real thing.

Inclined to put blame on the person who believes in witches, TBH

This. It’s a ‘Walt Disney Animation Studios’ film.