
Took my 10-yo to see this, he’d been hooked from the first trailers in Spring. He enjoyed it a lot, though he was really in it for the weird creatures and landscapes more than (unknown) characters. The dog and the Splat the blob were for sure favorites.

Not sure anyone “needed” to watch it. Ever.

From the men’s perspective, peeing after sex feels really good. Not sure how much science is involved there, but...

Avatar was also self-contained. A huge part of SW and Marvel success is that they built suspense and anticipation for what would come next, and kept fans engaged and hungry. The hook of an unfinished narrative is huge.

I bailed at the start of S2, when Rick’s wife said “we can’t loot these cars on the highway for medicine or ammo because it disrespects the dead.” I said “Oh, this show is going to have people being inexplicably dumb,” and turned it off.

Mind you I almost quit at DON’T DEAD OPEN INSIDE, but that’s the graphic designer

You could have been remembering one of Keitel’s many other films. Dude liked to whip it out a lot.

Just because it’s a unique kind of job doesn’t mean it isn’t a job. It’s work. It’s long hours. It’s mentally taxing.

I always pronounced it ‘fish sauce.’

Gaslighting is a pretty well-established and documented method of psychological manipulation.

Stupid > Innocent

A game of Monopoly is a great gift... for someone you hate.

It appears to be available exclusively IN Wisconsin.

I enjoyed the movie with Theodore ‘Ted’ Constantine just fine, thanks.

... and that’s an incorrect usage.

Double ditto. Can’t stand the stuff myself, but it’s too bad the craft/tradition is struggling.

Obviously you mean leave the empty cart IN the empty cart stalls / corral.

Every villain is an antagonist; not all antagonists are villains.

Namor isn’t the (a) villain.

I don’t see it...

That’s dedication diabetes.