
Am white; can confirm: zero shits given.

Counterpoint: Don’t do this.

Contantine was a fine story featuring Theodore ‘Ted’ Constantine.

Total lie.

What a load of horseshit. He said Keanu and he meant Keanu. This isn’t even a competent denial.

No. And if you make it a rich syrup (2:1 sugar:water), it’s shelf-stable. Don’t even need to refrigerate it (though it may re-crystalize after a time). 

To prevent closing, stand them up on the baking sheet like little tents.

...and their #2 and #3 in CO don’t even have stores in the state.

Yeah, looks like other people are flagging this, but... yeah, total BS.

FYI, when you’re grabbing screencaps from YouTube, just pause near the shot you want, and use comma/period on the keyboard to go back/forward frame-by-frame.

This is generally true. Poi is also usually referred to by how many days it’s been sitting and fermenting.

From the thumbnail I must assume they’ve made a live-action Caillou movie.

You can, and should wash your mushrooms. Use a microfiber cloth or soft brush under running water. It’s an old wives’ tale that you shouldn’t wash them because they’ll soak up all the water. They won’t, unless. you leave them soaking for like an hour.

Lew called Adelstein’s all-in on the turn, for a quarter of a million dollars, despite not even having a pair.

Buffy is too high; What We Do In The Shadows is too low.

Yeah, I don’t know. I watched it knowing nothing beforehand, and in the first episode when the dude drags the giant trunk into his house, ‘vampire’ was my very first thought. And the evidence mounts pretty steadily, even if the devout idiots on the island can’t see it.

A high school friend of mine (son of a US Senator!) used to drink beer that he poured down the crack of his ass and caught in a mug. Pretty similar idea.

Also because coffee tastes disgusting.

Really hoping to see a counterpoint article soon: “Women should try peeing standing up.

What’s your source on that? I mean, the report I posted is specifically under the banner of “Smoking and Tobacco Use,” and cannabis is mentioned exactly zero times, but maybe you’re right.