
You eat a giant size by yourself? My god, I can barely finish a regular. 

I remember Blimpie being kind of bland, top to bottom. Fresh-sliced meat and cheese was neat, but the rest of the sandwich was meh.

I’ve had a Jersey Mike’s in my neighborhood for a decade. When they first opened I would go in once a week or so and try different sandwiches. There was almost always the same guy at the counter, Jermaine, and he’d recommend things and want to know how everything was (even tipped me to the other ‘off-menu’ sandwiches

The #13 Italian is a fantastic, fantastic sandwich when it’s cold.

We get it, man. You really like vaping.

You said there’s no negative effects of nicotine, and then sugar is “the worst thing for any child.” That translates to sugar being worse than nicotine.

My bad on the effect/inclusion of diacetyl. Glad it’s no longer being used by any of the completely honest and trustworthy vape manufacturers.

Vaping is less harmful than smoking overall, but it’s still not safe.

a unique scent to the hard roll that I can’t quite find the words for”

Minor nitpick - cigarettes and vapes are not drugs. They are drug delivery systems.

Came here to say this - but I rather agree with the OP, ‘violence coordinator’ should be an actual on-set title.

6. Put it in the trash with the rest of the garbage.

One thing I would definitely not do if I’d been falsely accused of sex trafficking is ask Donald Trump for a preemptive pardon for sex trafficking, because that does not look very good at all.”

But it added some more things that Android phones have had for a while! 

We enjoyed the episode, but the best part was as the credits rolled, my wife looked at me and said “Wait, Megan Thee Stallion is a real person?”

I feel like this listicle fails on its premise. “Sick of podcasts? Listen to these podcasts!”

Did not know Sabacc was going to be in this. Interesting. DC might finally be getting their shit together.

I think these last two points are the most significant. While calorie counting isn’t 100% accurate, or THE answer for weight loss, simply keeping track of the basic caloric value of the foods you eat can be a major revelation.

*cough* Jennifer WALTERS *cough*

My son swears by ketchup on buttered noodles (spaghetti, penne, etc.). I feel as if I’m committing a food crime whenever I make it for him.