
They make consoles on eBay?

That’s a pretty weird take, man.


I watched this movie on video with a friend, and when Cypher’s name is given I said out loud “Really?” They didn’t get it, made me explain, then said I ‘ruined’ the movie.

At our local video store, the box for Crash had been amended, in sharpie, with “Want to fuck a car?  You’ll love this movie!”

A mustache that ‘flows’ into a goatee or beard is no longer a mustache.

Alternate Title: Many people have been convinced snails and ocean boogers are food.

Do keep in mind that MSG is still a salt, and sodium-averse folks might want to steer clear, or use in very deliberate moderation.

Oh no, no more fizzy grain juice...

Adding crap to a Vienna Sausage might improve it.

Best typo 2022 nominee: “...for most able-bodies typists...”

Technically he can tell different color fabrics apart, but not what color each one is. So the original yellow/red combo was more luck than anything. Could have been pink and olive drab.

And during the actual Pepsi Challenge ‘events,’ the Pepsi was served cold and the Coke room-temperature. Ain’t no rules in the Cola wars.

You’re absolutely right, that’s why I said the primary requirement is the corn percentage. If the mash is lower than 51% corn, the rest doesn’t matter at all.

The primary requirement to call a spirit bourbon is that the mash must be more than 50% corn. 

...and exposing my lack of skill and desire to be good at my profession.

And Shoresy.

Perhaps say “Dewars and CLUB soda?”

Man, I cannot wait to never see that one!

use “/s” to denote sarcasm, but this can come across contrived and a little cringe-y”