
I got mine last summer but I think I won some kind of lottery - Sony sent me an email, said ‘Want one?’ and I ordered directly through them. It showed up like a week later - had to keep it hidden til Xmas.

Or make some simple from pure cane (turbinado) sugar. Adds some wonderful caramel/brown-sugary notes to any cocktail.

Tolkien’s prose is indeed rich and lush and lovely.


To be fair, a majority of what’s sold as tuna, isn’t.

There’s people on the street
Getting diseases from monkeys
Yeah, that’s what I said
They’re getting diseases from monkeys

To be fair, most D&D characters aren’t particularly interesting except to the person playing them.

... but it would certainly be less popular and sell less tickets entertaining.

But the Cane’s sauce is the main reason to go there...

It can be two things.

Don’t forget the best weed-based-name for a TV show, Vice TV’s Bong Appetit.

I hear what you’re saying, but I also think this is the kind of thing that doesn’t need to be said. He was a wonderful T’Challa and by all accounts just a great person. I felt like this whole trailer was a reminder of how he’ll be missed, and yet the story goes on.

Likewise “has got”

“We need to talk about Jennifer Lopez Affleck”

But she’s wrong. It’s not ™, it’s ®.


I suspect one or more writers have kids of this age, because some of the stuff (the constant “guess what?” prompts, the inane babbling about lego shit, the bizarre interests in things you’d never think they’d even know about) feels VERY on-point, at least per the 9-year old in my home.

Perhaps they will somehow, incompetently, kill toddler Colin, and have to start over?

So he’s feeding the child correctly, at least.

Usually it’s “un-roo.

Club Soda still has a discernible, distinct flavor from the added minerals. Seltzer does not.