
He’s a winner? I thought had a show called ‘Beat Bobby Flay,’ which from the title means people come on and beat him at doing things (or perhaps with baseball bats? Never watched it).

Show of hands (or replies) - who’s actually done this? 

My son is dealing with bullies at this very moment (the last couple of weeks), so this article is well-timed and appreciated. I’ve advised variations on many of these, but there’s definitely some new tactics to try.

Saying her success is because she’s hot seems a bit reductive. She is, in fact, super hot.

Two things put Magnolia squarely in the exhausting (also spelled excrement) category.

The Thing + Big Trouble in Little China

Speak for yourself, monkey-boy.

Taste rankings aside, can we all agree that Incogmeato has the best brand name?

I’d extend ‘boxed stuffing’ to be ‘stuffing,’ period. I have never understood the appeal of of ‘stale bread, except wet.’ Particularly when there’s other much more enticing foods on the table. 

In my experience, most people don’t even know how to play checkers. Like, the actual rules.

While this might impart a little bit of garlic flavor, you lose most of it in the cooking water. The flavorful oils leech out, float to the top, and get dumped. There’s a little bit left in the cloves, which releases as they’re mashed, but not a lot. It’s like adding oil to pasta water, little to no effect.

But how do you win? I mean, this is a competition, right? There’s gotta be a prize or something.

_I_ don’t add ANY coffee, as I’m the one who can taste as little as half a teaspoon of the vile stuff in a cookie recipe.

Now there’s a deep cut. Kudos.

Agreed. Highly doubt Shuma-Gorath is the main villain, however. It’s a tentacle monster, not a particularly fleshed-out character.

If you’re making something chocolate, and the recipe suggests adding some instant or brewed coffee to ‘enhance the flavor,’ don’t do it unless you and everyone who’ll eat the cookies already likes coffee.

He sang a song, and I believe the camera lingered on him just a bit longer than necessary, like “see, see? It’s a famous modern guy!”

Morale booster. Nor moral.

Oh yeah, here in Colorado we search for “Black Liquorice” all the time. You know, the kind that definitely isn’t given out for Halloween, and is spelled “licorice” is the U.S.

So the name is meta but the logo is a wireframe “n,” huh? Genius, Zuck.