Joey T

Clearly justifies the use of violent threats and vandalism to make others fear the outcome of a politically divisive speakers event.

Speaking as a devout Catholic (of a left wing bent), Protestants never seem to understand that there’s no principle of general papal infalliability—ordinarily, the Pope is human and highly falliable, making mistakes like any other human. There’s a reason why the Pope has his own confessor and attends weekly

Anyone who is complaining that a poorly shaped Pizza Hut pizza “ruined” their Valentine’s Day has an extremely different values system than I do.

You guys make it sound as if she purposely retweeted a white supremacist. All she did was retweet someone that was complimenting her. There is nothing in that tweet that sounds like it came from a white supremacist account. I doubt she checked the profile of the tweeter, and why should she? Why does everything have to

This is pretty normal stuff. Countries always test the waters when new leaders take over. Trump has been trying to offset that, I think, by acting like a crazy asshole. The Russians have to challenge him to see what they are getting. Is Trump going to be friendly or confrontational?

Ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, it is because of all of the money they spend in California on social services to those that have never payed a cent in?

Yeah, that fucking law that Obama put in place in 2015:

Dude! You’re getting 10 bucks!

The dinosaur series Terra Nova did this:

Every appointee that we don’t like is the devil. Appointees we liked before are now the devil because Trump signed them on. This is the kind of critical thinking I come to this TECH BLOG for. Keep it up guys!


Part of this test in pointless. No one sits in the back seat in a mustang. That back seat is purely for show.

Gizmodo headlines aren’t hyperbole, they’re just alternative facts....

I hope these idiots who posted in defiance of an executive order all fired, which is what would happen to any employee in the private sector. This isn’t about suppressing information. This is about managing the messaging coming out of these organizations. Obama controlled the messaging coming out of these

Thank you for saying this. This is just so stupid and not even funny.

Shh! Gawker doesn’t care about facts!

Every time you write an article like this and cry “plagiarism” ... even in jest ... where there is none, you strengthen the opposition. It allows them to go, “See ... fake news” and encourage people to ignore anything said about the President, even when it’s true.

So where’s the plagiarism aside from the five words “back to you... the people”?

He became President at noon. It’s 1233 EST as of this writing.

And Perry was Chief Executive of the 2nd largest state in the union(a State with a larger economy that of all of Central America, combined), and leader of its National Guard. The question is, does that experience prepare him for this role.