Joey T

Catastrophic? Look, words either have meaning or they don’t. An earthquake kills a thousand people and causes $2 billion in damage, that’s catastrophic. A hurricane destroys an entire city, that’s catastrophic. Famine wipes out massive portions of a nation’s population, that’s catastrophic.

That's a fair assessment. At least legally. You can do whatever you want on cable. If you feel it is too extreme or violent or bad, don't watch it and cancel your subscription.

Boo-fucking-hoo ! It’s a fucking medieval fantasy snuff show, rape is part of it, grow up and get over it, it's not like the actress was raped in real life.

I’m more intersted in the crook’s wrists.

I’ll summarize this article.

Wait, they’re mad that they arrested and deported illegal immigrants?? Didn’t Brexit happen partially because of all the anti-immigrantion sentiment from the Londoners?

Imagine how beautiful the world would be if everyone did something like this every time they heard an opinion they disagreed with. published your address, sent anonymous notes that harass you, write negative reviews, threaten your family...it would be a leftist utopia with n0 racism and no bigotry...right?

Now playing

I get that you dislike Tesla, but you are applying a lot of double standards.
