Joseph Tavano

He’s funny. And he’s probably good people. Good people tend to get hired a lot because they’re easy and enjoyable to work with.

We got ChatGPT'd. Don't trust the machines. Reject AI written articles.

You can interconnect movies and you can interconnect shows. But yeah, cross medium gets real weird and should only be done for the biggest of events. That AoS and the Netflix heroes didn't participate in the Infinity Saga is still a bit damning. Like, what was Luke Cage doing the day Thanos came to town?

It got REAL funky after season 5. I don't think I even finished season 6.

Methinks you are correct.

The only way out of this is for all the major streamers to stop streaming films. They will live on pay SVOD sites largely, but there needs to be exclusivity to drive people back to the theaters. These streaming services will need to function like their own networks with all original programming.

Nock-ee is a perfectly acceptable way to pronounce gnocchi. You’re wrong. And if you’re going to drop that extra Y sound in there, don’t over pronounce it! People sound like morons when they do that.

#1. Never say “meatspace” again. That’s the dumbest term I’ve ever heard.

The Strain got so, so, so weird. I watched it through to the end it was just...shocking. A completely different show from how it began. Much like TWD and L O S T in that respect.

Most shows need time to find their footing. Willow is no exception. Episode 1 was ok, eps 2-6 we’re varying degrees of God awful. Then, in episode 7 it all came together and things just started working. The director of 7 and 8 knew how to make this show what it needs to be. If they continue to ride that wave, the

No honey. They are evil, so of course they are ugly. Beauty comes from the inside. Ugliness too.

Let’s get a few things clear about prosciutto, the undisputed KING of cold cuts:

This trend points to a reality that devs are pushing their artists to move too fast.

The artwork is public domain. The really nice photoscan that Getty did? Not in the public domain.

As someone who has worked in media production for 20 years, this is completely unsurprising.

Had its highs and lows. Not a great ending.

Lindlof can write amazing stories, but he can’t finish them.

Thank God you're here to tell us how to drink beer the right way. What would we do with you. 

You must not understand that this article was humorous in nature. Nuance must be difficult for you to read here.

You realize this article was VERY tongue-in-cheek, right?