The only thing that sucks is because ESPN is spiteful and lost their TV contract, they rarely discuss the Big East. Hence the “mid-major” comments
The only thing that sucks is because ESPN is spiteful and lost their TV contract, they rarely discuss the Big East. Hence the “mid-major” comments
Patton was so unbelievably impressive Wednesday, you wouldn’t know it looking at the box score but man he influenced nearly every possession in was in during the game.
Those games were the shit! I played them so much on SEGA Genesis. Probably would make a decent modern game too!
Poor Titanfall.
First step towards league contraction. And damn they need a few less teams and more qualified players per team.
We’ve all played against someone like Ted Cruz Jr. Sore loser, cry-baby, spoiled brat...whatever you want to call him. Most aren’t that good but they’re easily identified by their daddy calling and telling the coach they need more playing time. Typically you can just ignore them because they suck at sports and suck at…
you couldn’t be more wrong about the skittles. proper way to eat them is clearly to dump them out, sort them into piles based on colors, then eat multiples of the same colors.
It’s difficult to even make a Jokic about this play.
The NBA owners and NBAPA would have had to been real and true idiots to not get a deal done. But given the history of both, I would not have been surprised. Good on both sides for getting a deal done and getting it done without much fanfare or bitching and moaning from either side.
You posted 3 sentences.
This is so amazing. The Jeff Fisheriest thing that could ever happen...
Poulter may be a dick, honestly I don’t really care either way, but I fully endorse any and all efforts to call out internet trolls.
That’s my thought. This is a stupid story. The only story would be if he said he’d pay them more than only paid them $15. If you don’t like getting paid $15 don’t work for $15
the “fuck you” may be a little harsh, but game by game, each time LeBron lives up to his outrageous standards, I think this is becoming a good take. He’s incredible.
Forgetting Myles Turner as well. A bright spot on the terrible early season from the Pacers!
Jeff Fisher is the perfect example of what’s wrong with the NFL. They would rather trot out Mr. 7-9 himself year after year after year than giving anyone that looks or thinks differently a chance.
He’s got a good point too...with all the screaming of pundits (general news, politics, sports, everywhere) why shouldn’t we expect the loudest voice to win - regardless of message.
The worst part is that our first woman president should be a monumental occasion...but whatever happens tonight, it doesn’t feel monumental.
I thought about that too. But leave it to Fisher to not even win that.
don’t you mean when?