It's horrible even if you like IPAs (as I do), because the imbalance means it's impossible to keep them all fresh.
This is my main complaint going to taprooms and bars. There's about a 8:1 IPA to stout ratio.
+1 for this article. I really wish Stouts could have their day in the sun like IPA's have had the last few years. Sick of only seeing IPA's available on tap!
portly Bulls fan
OK, I know everyone shits on lululemon around here, but after have a premature mid life crisis a few years ago, quitting medicine and thinking I would devote my life to yoga (yes that happened) I went to work for lululemon. They had a policy there of no gossiping. At all. This was a workplace that was 80% women and…
"slower off-speed bitches like curveballs"
Curveballs really are bitches.
Fucking highlight truthers
Dontcha just love when you're out and about living your life, and all of a sudden your brain's like, "Hey. Remember that time you got absolutely shitfaced at your dad's wedding and had to be taken home early? That was pretty awful. You should feel ashamed about it Right. Now."
Always lowlight truthers.
Well played.
Future Mark.
Lazy joke about old people retiring to Florida.
Teacher: Ok class, can anyone tell me what two plus two equals?
The Lakers are 15-41.
3 teamer:
Tom Ley for Raysism
6. Punching woman
It would be a hell of a catch if you guys can secure it.