
Dude, it's really not even close. Are we still in a time and place where people need to see a dozen interceptions next to a corner's name to know their value? Whether it be players and coaches around the league, or analysts and evaluators like Football Outsiders everyone is on the same page that Revis is the best with

Well, maybe he's a little more chill, but I don't think that's why he's still in the NBA. It's probably all those fucking wins and championships. Just guessing though.

This is a garbage list. All gawker media related lists are terrible lists, but this is just flat wrong. Except for Ron obviously.

Then why did you say it was a travel "buddy?"

Look closer, that's weirdly just two steps.

I mean, the gif is obviously sped up way past real time, but it's still pretty cool to watch him blow past people.

What blows my mind is how convincingly she plays a mother of a damn 11 or 12 year old. She's only 26 IRL! She plays early-mid 30's really well.

Please note the synonyms for the 2nd definition.


Is your voice sultry? I'm deciding on whether to get chills from sexiness or to be irritated by a nasally high pitched voice. I do however promise not to kill you as a result either way.

Mo doesn't even really look fat in this picture.

His hands were already on her shoulder well before he leaned into whisper. That's sort of not the same thing. And congrats on having lots of close friends, that's neat.

I don't really know the whole situation behind this little moment, but do you have personal information on how close they are? They could be incredibly close friends and this could be completely harmless and genuinely sweet. You might be passing strong unfounded judgement on Uncle Biden.

Honestly it's not a bad move, someone at State Farm will see that clip and be like, well yea sure, he's good at making assists. Let's do it. And voila, he has another endorsement that will make himself more money than you and will I probably would make in the next ten years combined!

Depends on your age. I'm 28 and got to watch Jordan play in his prime at an age where I understood how badass he was, but I'm guessing 18-20 year olds were too young to really remember much of Jordan's play. For them Lebron is probably the greatest athlete they have seen so far. I'd argue prime Tiger Woods, but I

How do you know he doesn't understand the math behind current nba analytics? Do you want him to right a big article about it on this blog? That's not what he's here for. He might not actually create the math, but surely he can read articles about it and know that is improves his understanding of the game and how the

Not during the past 2 years. They've been above avg. Roughly coinciding with the time they decided to fully embrace analytics. Go figure.

There's this grand assumption from all of the gawker media writers that EVERYONE THINKS BEYONCE SHOULD HAVE WON. Then it's, "here, have our shitty take on this well established fact." Based on my analysis of star amounts of pro Beyonce and pro Beck comments, it seems pretty obvious that most people think BECK should

Oh come one he's just the super shitty baseball analog to Rob Gronkowski. That's sort of endearing.

Wiggins averaged 20 pts and 5 rebounds and shot 47.1% and is improving through is rookie season.