In before someone says that he didn't fail a drug test, even though you linked an article explicitly explaining that he did.
In before someone says that he didn't fail a drug test, even though you linked an article explicitly explaining that he did.
OMG what a price to pay! Acknowledge a crowd of adoring fans for 1/10 of a second with my glove, while not even fully turning my body around as I day dream of what I'm going to do next with the 90 Million Dollars sitting in my bank account. Life is so hard for me, Mr. Famous rich baseball player man.
Interestingly that entire process takes about half of the 1st at bat of the game to begin and finish. It's fun and you're an idiot.
I believe that we will win. Fuck you. Cheers.
This is so dumb. I love it.
Nah, no one's really giving you a hard time, but as I expected you were probably too young to really be into her music the years leading up to her death. Also, being European doesn't help as far as turn of the millennium American R&B is concerned.
Wait wait wait, everyone if giving you a hard time, but I think that's a little unfair without knowing how old you are. I was 14 years old at the time she passed and thought she was the sexiest woman alive. Very few celebrity deaths have truly made me feel something and for some reason when she passed I was genuinely…
You don't split possession against a team like Portugal if you're running on fumes. End of story. You should probably just delete your message. Or amend it.
You basically explained my point. They didn't look like they were running on fumes verus Portugal at all. Dominant, no, but very few teams would look dominant against the teams in our group (yes Germany did look dominant against the other teams in our group at times) . You literally knew exactly what I meant, and then…
Would that make them um, one of the best teams in the tournament. (Btw, FIFA rankings are widely known to be horseshit)
I guess you didn't watch the Portugal game.
I'm sorry, while this might be correct in some parts of the art world, this is incorrect as far as opera is concerned. It has been an "LGBT love-fest" for a very long time.
Irish. You're just not funny. How is trolling fun? It seems pointless. I mean sure you might get 3% of the general population to buy into what your saying, but you're not really doing anything.
I would think so, based on your previous attempts at comedy.
Still bored. Maybe you'll get em' next time. A little more effort next time and you might be on to something.
You're really boring for a troll. At least say something funny instead of things that are just clearly opposed to reality.
But hey at least he still has the thick full head of REAL hair (from his butt) on hid head.
Right back at ya sir. Friendly discourse on the internet is always a rare treat.
Got ya. I'm honestly out of my depth a bit here, only been following EPL for a little bit, but it seems he's held up pretty well based on all of that then. I understand the tone of this article was supposed to be, "he's still very good, but you just might not realize it because he's not as flashy and explosive," but…