
Whoever wrote this headline deserves a raise immediately.

She's exactly the kind of ambitious egomaniac that Hillary was with even less of the qualifications. It would be the height of idiocy for Democrats to support her in a presidential run, which given Democrats' recent track record of idiocy means she'll get plenty of support.

I thought Pine gave the best performance in the film.

Nah, my understanding is that Cube was invited before the whole blowup.

Yeah, Ice Cube doesn't ever get to tell anyone what offensive words they can't use.

In baseball terms, Reza Aslan is like the shortstop who hits .213 but keeps a place on the team because he can turn a mean double play. Unfortunately, in this scenario CNN is NOT the MLB team who bats him eighth until the hotshot from the farm system is ready to be called up. They're the team batting him fifth because

Geimer is the victim. She does not wish to press charges. Without a victim there is no crime. What Polanski did was vile and horrific, but if the victim has repeatedly stated she wishes to move on, these charges should be dropped. I have seen others argue that the victim has no say in this, because the prosecution

This was above a B episode to me. I agree there was a lack of cohesion between the three main prongs of the narrative here, but good gracious that bowling alley scene was one of the most audacious curveballs Hawley has ever thrown—and he's thrown quite a few. I don't know where he's going with all this but I'm sure

This was little better than a middle-of-the-pack MCU film but for DCU it's a damn-near masterpiece.

Ghostbusters is one of the most perfect movies ever made. It's a national treasure. There was no need to EVER re-make it.

See, your problem is you think I'm defending Maher, when what I'm really doing is convicting HBO for saying this is a big deal when the other instances weren't.

That's a terrible analogy. A person who got away with robbery did so because there was no evidence to tie them to the crime. There's plenty of evidence of Maher's earlier offensiveness—HBO just didn't care.

No one is arguing the word isn't offensive. The sticking point here is that Maher has made a living off using shocking words that are offensive to many groups, and this usage wasn't even meant to be hurtful in the way that many of his others have been. It reeks of hypocrisy.

It's really not. He's consistently able to book high-profile guests to discuss hot-button topics. He's practically a household name in both liberal and conservative communities, both of which have found ample reasons to love and hate him long before this tempest in a teacup.

Poirot is the perfect role for Branagh and his oversized ego.

Headline: "Comedian Who Became Popular For Saying Controversial Things Is Chastised For Saying Controversial Thing"

These kids may have posted something seriously offensive, but in any event they really lucked out unless they had a full scholarship. Ivy League schools are overpriced and going downhill.

I'll include you in my prayers tonight.

I think private businesses should be able to serve or not serve who they want when they want and how they want as long as they're not providing an essential good or service. Movie theaters and cake shops are in the clear; ambulance services and gas stations aren't.

Or, you know, the movie was bad.