I'm pretty sure the adult daughter in Season 1 would have known it if her mom had died violently as a result of the events of this season.
I'm pretty sure the adult daughter in Season 1 would have known it if her mom had died violently as a result of the events of this season.
I want to make it clear that I'm not saying that Dodd's actions toward his daughter weren't problematic or bothersome—he's an obvious misogynist—only that the reviewer's keying in on that moment considering that a man was horrifically murdered just moments later was very odd.
Considering that she's the willing accomplice of her family's criminal empire I'd say she's also "in the game."
I thought she said that to piss him off/comment on his love of violence although given Dodd's general fuckishness I wouldn't be surprised if that turns out to be more literal.
I have children. And even someone else slapping my child, as traumatic as that would be, doesn't match them murdering someone, even a non-family member.
I'm sure Skip the Typewriter Guy feels deeply for her leg while his lungs try to figure out how to breathe hot cement.
Personally I think seeing someone buried alive screaming in paving gravel is 100 times more disturbing than a guy slapping his daughter.
I hate her more for her possible threat to Plemons' character than to Dunst's.
Am I the only one who loathes the beauty shop boss and hopes she meets a grisly date sooner than later?
RIP Coco
RIP Nora
Fuck you, Zach.
I was referring to the court of public opinion, not actual criminal prosecution.
Obviously I was making a dark joke. That being said, rape now seems to be the only accusation in the world that one can level against someone without being asked to provide any tangible proof.
Smart wife.
On the bright side, no more Kesha music.
Know what's even more offensive than the attempted oral rape scene? Yep, ONCE AGAIN using real-life Nazi horrors in a show about vampire worm creatures.
I think Hall was severely miscast in this role, honestly. Her acting was fine but she doesn't seem like the type of woman that a doucher like Bateman's character would attract and marry.
I had begun hate-watching this again, but now I'm watching it just to drool over Ms. Marchand.
Both films PTA has made after There Will Be Blood have been absolute shit.