
I have had one of these passes for nearly 10 years now. In that time I have visited about 30 federal parks and most of them had no idea what the pass was and insisted I pay anyways. Those who know what it was wanted proof I was disabled telling me the pass was not enough.

I’ve been disabled since I was a kid, already in SSDI’s database... so more like the cost of 2 shoulder reconstructions, 2 spiral fractured feet, a crushed main hand, constant sprains, a shit ton of MRIs, Xrays...

As far as the why would anyone else with them be entitled to the same benefits remark; most times the other people with them are there because they are needed (parents, siblings and/or caregivers) to even get them there, help them in general and and ensure their safety. Many times these people don’t have the funds

Because the parks want to incentivize people to come and buy things inside the parks. Lots of people with disabilities or a child who is disabled have low income due to the costs of all the treatments and therapies or from being unable to work. This is helpful and makes the parks more accessible to people who could

Type 1 DM is not in and of itself a disability (of course it is a disease/condition). However if you had diabetic neuropathy, diabetic eye disease, renal failure secondary to DM etc, that would be different. (I am an MD, that is what I would sign off on).

Give me the name of your region (even PM it if you’re comfortable) I may have to move there. As it stands I’ve had 15 years of shit experience with the VA in terms of medical, state “allowances” and the VA home loan is a joke that’s caused me to lose out on more than one house (note: I haven’t attempted to abuse the

Does anyone listen to and enjoy Unqualified? I’ve only listened to it in the cross-over My Favorite Murder episodes, and she came off as obnoxious and said nothing of substance for almost an hour.

I have to commend you for reading in the authors’ voices. I always read in my voice, presumably because I am ridiculously self-centered?! But seriously, I wish I had a nice deep voice, too. Every time I hear my voice on a recording I want to take a vow of silence and write apologies to every person in my life who has

Do you understand the kind of brainwashing that woman has been subject to for her entire life? People in Quiverfull circles actually think that divorce is worse than murder. She’s under incredible pressure from both sides of the family to “forgive” him. And since she’s probably been homeschooled her entire life until

Why is he still allowed to be around children? His or any?