
It sounds like analytics, having ruined baseball, is now coming for chess. I’m curious, though. If no one wins or loses a game, how do they decide a winner of the match?

That's really too bad about The Unicorn. It was never a gutbuster, but it was charming and well-written and the cast was incredibly likable. 

You can do a double romance and have the protagonists grandparents also fall in love after one calls the virus a hoax created by Bill Gates and the other one calls the other a racist Trump voter. The movie ends with them cozying up with each other to watch Rachel Maddow

Fantastic news!

Hardwick then went on to accuse Dykstra of infidelity

The middle class in America just took what is likely it’s death blow, but it’s good to see people who have their priorities straight. 

Au contraire, I think we should lock Moore in a room with 50 Girl Scouts, each equipped with a baseball bat.

Do what the Grimm fans did. Create a thread in the Good Place or Great News reviews and have your own Superstore discussion every week. It worked when we colonized Constantine reviews to keep the Grimm discussion going.

She took a very small amount of penicillin, and making penicillin by yourself in the 1700s isn’t easy.

I assume you’ve been posting this every episode since the pilot?

Official word is that old comments are going to be ported over in the coming weeks.

This made me lol and my boss saw me giggling at my phone instead of working. THANKS a lot!

Because most socialist policies are deeply unpopular and would result in massive electoral losses?