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    Separate SUT from Roseanne and the it’s ratings would of been the same, if not worse than Alex, Inc

    No mention of that gorgeous shot of the crows flying away against the sunset?

    Welcome to Dead House is actually one of the best goosebumps books. It’s darker and doesn’t really have alot of the childish groan worthy dialogue.

    200 million dollar movie**

    Poor Billy Zane. 20 some years ago he was starring in a 200 million dollar movie. Now, forced to do 200 dollar movies.

    If Princess Carolyn was working there they’d of gotten away with it!


    I guess I’ma sucker for revenge. I liked the conclusion.

    I guess I’ma sucker for revenge. I liked the conclusion.

    Alex Jennings facial expression when he’s headed back to the train should get him nominated for awards alone.

    Shame they didn’t feature more of Gina Rodriguez in the trailer. Girl has some serious acting chops.

    Harold. Anyone who read the book(s) as a kid knows what I’m talking about.

    It’s the order in which they came. Nothing to do with race. Did u miss the episode where the the big three in their youngest form sounded off to Jack?

    I’ll never understand why we don’t get reviews of Superstore. It’s right up the alley of other shows The AV Club reviews. #JusticeForSuperstore

    Wish you guys would start doing regular reviews of Superstore!

    When I was a kid I use to make sure I was in front of the t.v at 7:30 and 4:30 to watch Arthur. Sucks they kept changing voice actors.

    Man, I hope they cool it with the political stuff. Or at least go back to subtle jabs. I dislike Trump as much as the next person, but it’s not liberals who are watching live tv. It’s the moderates and conservatives. That and people are just tired of everthing people political. Hope the second episode gets back to

    2 per season? AHS drops like 10 an episode.

    Wendie Malick deserves an Emmy for this season. Her delivery of Bea’s speech to Henrietta was masterful in particular. Of course if Kristen Schaal can’t get her dues I won’t hold my breath for Wendie.

    That unauthorized B story part that flashed on Teach-bot’s screen cracked me up.