No way I'd put my iPhone on that unless it cost $25 and had "made for iPhone" on the box.
All these answers just reinforce the need for another QOTD:
Sheesh, what a moron. Those aren't teal, more like "Tan" or "Sand."
As someone with vitiligo, I'll take my chances with sunscreen.
Well, crap. Sigh... I guess it's better to get it right than wreck the ISS.
Fling it with this?
Reading this thread reminds me of why I hate to valet my car. Hey, Mr. Valet, how about this for a "rule" - treat my car better than you'd treat your own. Treat it like it's owned by a girl you want to get with, and she's going to decide based on how you treat her car.
My kids were sending text messages (iMessage) on their iPod Touches before they got iPhones. Using Wi-Fi.
180-degrees in the horizontal plane does not a hemisphere make.
I was thinking the same thing.
32? Amateurs! Try 23...
So you think this theft was the only bad thing these bad guys ever did? Dollars to donuts these are habitual offenders, and they're (hopefully) one strike closer to three. Put the repeat offender jackwagons away, and you are "actually protecting people."
She's already not allowed to practice medicine - she's a dentist.
Yes ([])
OK, I think that might be it. Can you imagine being the only person in the place with a pickup truck? You'd never get a moment's rest...