"People here live in houses older than you [sic] entire country."
When I read "zebra muscles" I just got this weird image in my head... :-)
I had no idea there was a zebra slaughterhouse near Lake Ontario.
"It would require a little bit of care...more than I've seen on every Gizmodo post ever."
Any image of the ZIP code on the shipping label? Maybe the shipper accidentally entered 00045 (Florida) instead of 90045 (California), or their handwriting is so terrible that was the first machine-read interpretation of the ZIP code.
Panniers are good for light loads. Cargo bikes are good for hauling oversize and/or truly heavy stuff. And kids. With panniers you have to choose which side to stuff the kid into, and it unbalances the bike (I keed, I keed).
If you have to say, "my wife let me ...." - you're doing it wrong.
I wasn't aware "Mexican" was a race...
That's "Automatic ATM Machine," to you, bub.
Or you pay someone shifty $50 to go open a PO box at a mail-box store and then give you the key.
Ikea furniture is fine - IF you never have to move it farther than the next room. Most of it (I'm talking about the cheaper end of the spectrum) is designed to be assembled once and that's it.
Try it again. Mine was "not ready yet" and then almost immediately it was ready.
So instead of a government-funded stimulus, these Internet nerd billionaires are gonna pump billions of their own cash into this project. The multiplier effect of those dollars is going to be mind-boggling. This truly is the dawn of a new era.
and northern Canada...
I need a pic of a high-dollar hardtop convertible (E93, SLK, etc.) with one of those fake sunroofs stuck on the top.
Hey, thanks for the props! I'm not seeking attention for myself, but for the sad, sad world of automotive crap available down at the parts store...
Gawker sites don't care about the facts, as yesterday's D-21 drone story illustrated once again (Real person: Francis Gary Powers. Giz story: Gary Power)