
How clever, smart-assing a computer.

My dealership horror story: When I was in high school, my Dad bought a Chevy Citation.

I just use wadded-up white bread. It's probably cheaper and you can eat what you don't use in your plumbing.

"If we had invested that money into fixing roads, building a smart grid and investing in our own country"

I think the argument you're making is that our government, which has been more and more focused on cutting spending and "shrinking government," would somehow have found the balls to appropriate that trillion dollars on stuff that benefits the homeless and other citizens, if they hadn't appropriated it for weapons

Guns don't ask for trouble... People ask for trouble.

Verify our range to target. Give me a ping, Vasily. One ping only.

Forget the slingshot! I want the IR filter they sell so I can add X-Ray Vision to my cell phone!!!

And he's dying, just like the rest of us.

Well, the C64 cost about $600 in 1982 - about $1400 in today's money. So it's a bargain, right, guys?

Right, like Congress would appropriate that money for anything but defense. We are a nation of tax haters, except for buying guns. Take a look at the nearest road, bridge, water or sewer system if you don't believe me.

Should've used it to cook a giant Jiffy Pop...

That SUGAR is one sweet plane!

It also works well at cutting headache pain. Just sayin' . . .

Try looking up Viddles and Vittles on various online dictionaries. Yes, it's clear. Even cats know the correct spelling.

And printers don't usually "sit idol" either...

"Viddles" ???????? Seriously?

1970s or 1980s Subaru. The A/C was pretty much worthless.

Living in Texas makes you think everyone is packing a gun, too...

Ooh, cool. I'll add Niqab to my Words With Friends arsenal for when I have Q without U.