
A 7-meter TBM? Meh. Can't find a pic but some Russian project (anyone surprised?) is using a TBM with a 19+ meter diameter.

V-8 Vega - She may not look like much, kid, but she's got it where it counts.

Wait wait wait! My new iPad has a chip in it that might have been made two months ago??!!!

Probably so - it's the Collings foundation Wings of Freedom - they're in Dallas through tomorrow. I saw the B-17 last week and again this morning shortly after I posted about the B-24.

Not disputing the awesomeness of the B-52 in any way, but yesterday morning I stood slack-jawed on my patio as a B-24 made a low sightseeing pass over my neighborhood. Jet noise is nice but there's nothing like the sound of four Twin Wasp radials.

I hate to burst your bubble, but I'm pretty sure that method was "figured out" decades ago - unless the Flickr user you linked is about 100 years old, someone else figured it out. And it's pretty dangerous (which makes the caramelized milk all the better) because if your attention wanes and the water in the pan gets

Really? I was just thinking about the old Russian guy with the gold-impregnated wolf pelts the other day. If he's real, that is too awesome!

Yes, "steal." Or is "fraud" more acceptable to you?

And factor in it was Australian dollars, practically free...

Well, I can see right there on Google Maps, there's a dotted line across the blue thingy to get there. You mean I can't just follow that line?

A weekend's worth? It's really not that bad - 6-8 hrs maybe. After that it's fine, just don't make any sudden moves for a day or two... Oh, and Tissue is right - vodka, beer, margaritas, choose your anesthetic.

Why should they wait until they turn 20? My kids have known all their lives they'd damn well better earn a ton of cash to take care of their mom and me. After all the crap they put us through, they owe us.

I had to turn off adblock at the advice of Gawker tech support, because the Search box wasn't working. It seems the choice is, be able to search the articles and enjoy the ads, or enjoy not having the ads but not able to search. #sigh

So now I have to sit through a commercial for Internet Explorer before I can read this story. Thanks, Gawker - you have become the new Yahoo.

Cool. Now to test whether it works on my '05...

Whoa, cool. Finally something awesome for my 2005 Mazda3i. So, do I have to do this every time I start the car, or is it a one-time unlock

The ad copy at the Strapya World link is even better than the pictures:

That clip is full of awesome.

I had jeans like that back in the '70s. They were called Toughskins, came from Sears, and had extra reinforcements in the knees. They were extra uncomfortable and never got soft and broken in. They were basically a sign that your parents were cheap because they didn't want your clothes to wear out.

Yes, you are wrong to assume that.