This is me. History Buff Vacation Dad. I took my family to Gettysburg and no one understood a damn thing. But I was in heaven. Did the self-driving tour with the CD and got out at every point of interest. Wonderful experience.
This is me. History Buff Vacation Dad. I took my family to Gettysburg and no one understood a damn thing. But I was in heaven. Did the self-driving tour with the CD and got out at every point of interest. Wonderful experience.
Fuck. I’m Vacation Dad.
I tell you what.
If you begin a sentence with ‘I hope this doesn’t offend you’, then you probably shouldn’t keep going. I didn’t think this needed to be explained, yet here we are.
‘I hope this doesn’t offend you: you’re fired.’
He wasn’t expecting any response from her because he knows the dummy number goes inactive as soon as he closes out the delivery. He did it because he could and it gave him a momentary feeling of power.
I have complicated feelings on this whole thing. I agree that we should vote with our dollars and choosing not to support a business that publicly contributes to causes that are counter to your values is a valid and valuable form of protest. My concern though comes down to the singling-out and virtue signalling of…
Nothing that closes on Sundays should be allowed in an airport.