
Why did the groundhog cross the road.......

“DEATHKART!” Exactly as advertised!

I run a small computer store and have seen many machine come in with this same issue.

Your article states that the experiments yielded a decrease in the workforce, that means less tax revenue for the government. Again, how would this be paid for? Everyone keeps saying to cut funding for the military, blah blah blah, it will never happen, too many things need to happen before that to happen. Also if

Do they serve it with a double shot of white guilt?

I’m curious how the other 59% of gun-related homicides and 6% of gun-related suicides occurred without guns being present.

I too enjoy lifted hawkeyes


What about boys whom identify as girls? Or what about gender fluid age deficient humans?

Stop using kinja deals to purchase from amazon, therefore lowering the income of Gawker!

“end up on an FBI watch list.. “ Maybe, apparantly phone calls to the FBI’s tip line doesn’t necessarily land you on the watch list.

That would be racist!

If anyone is getting rid of any collapsible gun stocks, send them my way!

I agree!

Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t like the low headlight, high gas tank design that many of the naked bikes are sporting. I don’t know if it’s for ergonomics, since I have not ridden one yet, or just to fit 4 gallons with a larger motor, but I prefer the look of of higher headlight and lower gas tank.

Why shut down the panda cam? Isn’t the camera and internet connection already paid for?

Soooo, you should not just blindly listen to your evil overlords and think for yourself?? That’s too much work.

Gotta love the Bernie Bros calling for a socialist revolution while driving their 140K car. Hey, Farhan, it’s not fair that you can afford that car but I cannot, you should not be allowed to own it.


Don’t avoid tolls, pay your fair share!!