
Step 1: Be Attractive

You should head on over to r/gatekeeping

This week on “Larger Government is Better for Everyone...”

Back in college a few us us got together during a snowstorm, tied a rope to the back of an SUV, (blazer maybe), and pulled each other in sleds, snowboards and just dragged each other along the snow covered streets. We then found a couch on the side of the road, tied the rope to it, then dragged the couch behind the

I appreciate the details that were put into this article explaining the controversy over the Uranium One deal. I feel like it has been fully explained. Thank you for your deep insight and clear details from both sides of the investigation.

In case your White Guilt has overcome all sense of reason.

Service workers, don’t forget to claim 100% of your tips on your taxes. #payyourfairshare

Only if they are politically motivated.

If I didn’t pay $7500 if taxes, then it would be other people’s money. also, with the decrease of tax revenue, other services will need to be cut or taxes on other items for everyone would have to increase to make up the difference.

Yah, only if you want the entire night filled with “Miso full of stuffing” jokes from your father or uncle.

Right? Guy runs over people, lets keep the focus on guns.

This type of stuff has been happening for decades, probably centuries.

Don’t be “nice” and let someone in or go first when you have the right of way. Your screwing up the traffic pattern.

1. Pretty much any car has its keys left on the visor

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal

When seconds matter, help is only minutes away.

It seems as though Lifehacker is just regurgitating from r/lifehacks.

Well, seeming how the Republicans have yet to actually repeal OR replace Obamacare, every single one of these victims should be covered under their legally mandated health insurance, which is still in effect. (unless they made the conscious decision to pay the “penalty” instead).

His fault or not, does anyone else think it is at least possible that Tesla’s information may always say that Tesla is not at fault? Who watches the watchmen?