Let people die or lose everything because you don’t like the political affiliation of the state that those people happen to live in? #coexist
Let people die or lose everything because you don’t like the political affiliation of the state that those people happen to live in? #coexist
Girls, Stop “Makeupfishing” to Hide the flaws on your face.
Everyone does things to make themselves feel better about their appearance, but girls, using makeup to hide your blemishes is a bad idea. You’re not fooling anyone.
“Makeupfishing,” as Supry, from this reply explains, is similar to catfishing except it’s when a…
Can someone make a website to look up all statues, roads and schools named after Teddy Roosevelt, you know, since he sent over 100,000 Japanese to internment camps.
Did Renault denounce terrorism after the Nice attack? Where is the outrage!!
While normally I agree with you, if you are an illegal, you do not have the same rights as citizens.
Is it acceptable to wear a dress as a male? If we have to wear pants than females should have to also. #TrueEquality
Does this mean that Amazon is ANTI-IMMIGRATION if not RACIST!!
They are only boys or girls clothes because you see them that way. Once you see the pink shirt with a butterfly on it, or the blue shirt with a truck on it, as gender neutral, then the problem is solved.
They don’t keep that much cash in the till so then they are less of a target for theft, or if they do get robbed, they don’t lose as much.
I think they are talking about breaking a $100 when making a $2 purchase, therefore leaving almost no cash in the drawer to make change for the next customer.
yes go to Canada, the falls is better there anyways.
What is the government was working with the aliens? Also on X-Files.
so it is ok to pay these people an UNEQUAL amount than you would a citizen? Are you saying illegals are not EQUAL to citizens? Aren’t they people too?
NH doesn’t think they have the worst drivers, they thing Mass has the worst drivers.
Wouldn’t know, but the people in these video do. Also, I am not a republican.
alleged abusing asshole