Magnakai Haaskivi

I feel like "Best Metaphors to Explain Tech" would be a GREAT post for a blog centered around great ideas for getting things done. ;-)

I know it's just me, but the sound anything larger than .5mm lead makes on paper grates my nerves. It's a bit dependent on the paper (notebook paper with .7mm is fine...printer paper is not), but I just stick to .5mm for that reason.

It took him like fifteen years, but he FINALLY got Everton above Manchester United on the table.

I hate when people try to use the legal system just to get a Payday.

Maybe she's been receiving regular bacta injections?

I've never watched PoI; is it worth going back to the beginning of the show and watching it from there? It seemed silly when it came out, but it seems pretty good now.

If this were another team, I'd LIKE that they were taking a long time to make this hire. Head coach - especially a head coach with this much money available and this many draft picks to spend - is really important, and you need to make sure that you get the hire right.

Is Person of Interest good? I'm running out of shows to watch.

Rosalind Luttece would like a word.

As an aside: What age did you guys pick to read "The Hobbit" to your kids? I've got a ten year old and a seven year old, and while the plot is certainly easy to describe, if I recall correctly some of Tolkien's dialogue is so verbose that I can't see my kids sticking with it. They loved "The Lion, the Witch, and the

I generally use the sale to get caught up on DLC. Like, I bought all the BL2 stuff in the summer sale, discounted...and I bought all the new stuff I'd missed now, also discounted. Did the same with X-Com and Civ5. Now, I'm not currently playing any of these games (I'm on a Football Manager fix), but I'm sure I'll go

I love this song only because now, when you ask my daughter "What does the fox say?", she does a hysterical "RING-DING-A-DING-DING-A-LING-DE-DING-DE DING" thing that, as a father, I have to say is super cute.

Those N-Strike darts can kind of hurt. My daughter was given a Rebelle revolver thing (which looks like a badass Borderlands 2 gun) and the first time I got shot with it was kind of a surprise.

I loved "We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves", and agree with the similarity to Gaiman's book...but is it really genre fiction? I mean, don't get me wrong, I want more people to read it, but it didn't really have any sci-if or fantasy elements to it.

I totally had that exact same reaction to the exact same toy. I always assumed, like you, that the toy was knocking off the rust monster. Weird.

Also in the running: Craig Bellamy. Take away the on-field persona and check out the dude's charity work.

For me, Fringe did so many things right that the things it did wrong didn't matter. It never forgot that, at the core of all this whacked-out craziness, there were real people with very complex and nuanced relationships. It even tied up loose ends I'd stop caring about (the spoiler mentioned above was not only a

Jesus Christ, I'm tearing up at my desk just from the .gif.

Totally agree.

There was an iOS game for the first one that was less than awesome, sadly.