Magnakai Haaskivi

Those jellies and molds and slimes always irritated me. They were immune to all but the most insanely specific things, did weird damage, and served very little actual purpose.

I'm confused about solid-state rockets. What's the fuel, how is it solid, etc.?

I subscribe to the idea that the Clegane brothers are alive, but I tend to think that Coldhands being Benjen is a bit too obvious. Then again, maybe I'm just overthinking it.

Oh, I'm 100% sure you're right, and it's also how I read it...but this theory (link, book spoilers) is still one of my favorites.

I much prefer the theories that NED isn't dead (based almost exclusively on Cat reflecting that the bones she receives are smaller than she felt they should've been) for my "crazy obviously dead person is actually ALIVE!" theory fix.

I hope we don't see a ton of people Roussanne out to build this at home.

I used to use those, but they went bad on me with far too much regularity for me to trust them. I think I went through like three within a year before bailing on them and just going to an X-Box 360 controller.

That's the thing with PC mods; some of my favorites are ones that only really change little tiny things that need tweaked. I usually find total conversions to be a bit of a let-down, but mods - ESPECIALLY for RPGs, but not exclusively - that fix little irritations are really where the joy of PC modding is for me.

Oh, hell yeah. That was way ahead of it's time...it was the first time I had to deal with harsh ammo management in a game, and it made for a legitimately scary experience.

Winner winner. I don't always use a PC gamepad, but when I do, I prefer X-Box 360.

Did Google strip the Creative Kit/Picnik stuff out of Picasa, though? My wife was raging about this a little last night, apparently there was a message that said Creative Kit was discontinued, but you can do all of that stuff in Google+. Taking it away from the desktop client and forcing people to go through a service

Mexico's got a home game (which means exactly shit this qualifying round for them) to Panama and an away game in Costa Rica, and are currently in fifth place on tiebreakers. Meanwhile Panama has that aforementioned Mexico match, plus a game at home against the U.S. Not saying we DON'T want to win that game, but if the

Learning how to load Doom mods easily was my reason for learning DOS as well.

For certain things, yeah; however, if I'm at a bar, there's a good chance I can still see that stuff on smaller TVs. It wouldn't necessarily be ideal for EVERY game, I'll grant you that, but for a Champions League or World Cup final, where you'd have multiple TVs tuned to the same game, it'd be pretty cool.

For football and soccer, it'd be a fantastic upgrade. So much of what happens in both of those sports happens away from the ball (the football reason is in the article; in soccer, so much of the sport is about off-ball movement that the limited field of vision you have when you watch it televised can take away from

But since University of Houston is the only one on the top ten...

Yeah, I tried out "Return" that exact same way (Half-Price Books, I think), but couldn't tell if it was just me or if the game sucked. Always wanted to give "Antara" a go but never really found it.

WAAAAY back on the old Prodigy message boards, I was a katta paladin under some weird version of an RPG we played. The QFG community was one of the very first that I remember being a part of online; they even had long walkthroughs about how to cheat (Razzle-Dazzle-Root-Beer and Suck-Blue-Frogs for QFG1 & 2,

One of the best games I've played; I loved the combat, in particular, but the idea that you could just travel around, ignore the main quest (I did a lap around Midkemia before I even went to Krondor whenever I started Chapter 1), and things would be fine was incredibly liberating.

I would've been crushed, except you knew for the whole season that Charlie was doomed, and was really just picking his moment. From that perspective, this was the absolute best way he could go out. Way better than getting hit by lightning sitting next to Claire.