Magnakai Haaskivi

It does, except that they already sent Janos Slynt to the wall in Season 2; they didn't really NEED to replace him.

There's an article?

He's lucky Gloria can a-Ford it.

I follow PC gaming closely and other gaming a little more peripherally, and until reading this I'd thought that the Wii U was a mobile device for some reason. That's partially because I didn't care about the Wii, so I'm not exactly the target market, but the terrible name plus the real lack of any marketing behind it

I love the scene (both in the books and in the show) where Jaime explains the sacking of King's Landing from his point of view, and how he (not unfairly) blames Ned a little for branding him the Kingslayer. For me, that's the point where the books pivot away from the Starks as a primary viewpoint and into a much

How old was Duncan in DA:O? He looked way older than 30.

I'm definitely not a build genius, that's for sure. I don't think I've gotten to the raid boss thing yet though, what're those?

What about Shadow from American Gods? Being that he's a god (or at least a demi-god), it would seem he'd be a shoe-in for that.

Horcrux indeed.

Yeah, I'm a bit of a plodder, it took me like 50 hours to work through the game as my siren. Is it doable without voice chat features?

Well, I've been listening to my gut since I was 14 years old, and frankly speaking, I've come to the conclusion that my guts have shit for brains.

There's lots of team based skills, but I've just kind of worked around those and have a pretty good build. The re-spec cost is cheap, too, so if I have to do that I'm not bothered; I ended up doing the same thing in this game that I did in BL1, ending the game at a much higher level than the quests were (I'm at like

I just beat the original last night, and started the Torgue DLC straightaway. How's the online play? I've done solely single player so far (I almost never play games online), but kinda wonder if my siren needs friends.

I'm way late to this party, but a "Best Villain" thread that doesn't include Shodan isn't a best villains thread at all.

Okay, so here's my main problem with the R+L=J theory: it takes the central truth of Ned's (his honor and integrity), and uses it as a defining reason for the theory being necessary (he's pure and incorruptible, so he can't have cheated on Cat). HOWEVER, that theory also relies on him corrupting his honor and

Witcher 1 was one of those games I had to force myself to play; even midway through, it had a ton of irritating things (like having to fight drowners in the swamps and sewers CONSTANTLY, well past the point where there couldn't possibly be any more drowners in the whole freaking world because I was killing them all).

I agree 100%; I've never quite understood where this was supposed to go, or how a coherent game could be set up around this. I'm sure I'm wrong or missing something, but I don't really have any excitement for this game.

It seems like the expansion changes the base gameplay, though, which makes me think the best way to go is to play the game and THEN play the game modified with the expansion? It's kind of like a remix of a song, you want to hear the original song to appreciate the changes.

I'm sure; once I get bored with Borderlands 2 it's next on my list.

I think the thing with Moleskines is that you're never, ever supposed to remove the paper, because it weakens the binding. If I remember right, I even read somewhere that the perforated pages should also be left in place for the same reason.