Magnakai Haaskivi

You didn't really notice she had range until they started making her do other things, and then it was like, "Oh, she's been just PLAYING withdrawn, she has this whole other side to her." The subtle little things she did to make Bolivia different from Olivia were really well done (Bolivia had a little smirk that Olivia

I usually did make his own, if I'm remembering it right.

Not Fringe. I'm not saying this to defend Abrams, but I did love me some Fringe.

I remember the island, it had a monkey and a parrot and a cannon that actually shot. Good times!

I've just started BL2, and I'm noticing the checkpoints are WAAAAY spaced out at the beginning; is this a theme through the whole game, or does it get better? I hate having to basically play through that entire area up to Flynt in one long stretch, I feel like I've been playing the same area for two days.

The checkpoint saves in Borderlands 2 are killing me right now. There's a long time between them and they don't seem to happenautomatically after boss fights. Still at the beginning, but I feel like I've been playing the same area for two days now.

About $50 (although $75 if you count the Borderlands 2 bundle and HL2.1/2.2 sale right before the Summer Sale, which I probably should); oddly enough, the game that's been keeping me from breaking open Dishonored and X-Com is FTL. I haven't had a ton of time to sit down with the other two, but that $2.50 I spent on FTL

I have to be honest, I think WeekCal is still better than Fantastical, and I'm still not sure how it lost that survey.

They should just reboot the whole thing right after the first season. I still like that first season, really, it's just everything after that that sucks.

Not so far as I know, but I might suck at online games, so there's a trade-off.

How do people find Steam friends? I rarely play multiplayer but it'd be fun to do it with people from Kotaku if I did; I hate just gaming with random strangers.

For a long time I avoided games like Civ5 because I'm terrible at RTS games and these have a similar mindset, but then I played Football Manager and dumped about 3,000 hours over three years into those games (according to Steam's stats, at least; a lot of that was downtime where the game was on but I was doing other

Yeah, we did a "Financial Peace" course (which, honestly, we found to be really helpful; it's not for everyone, but if you're looking at how to get money under control in a broad sense I'd really recommend it) and talked a lot about the need to "assign" money when we budget, which is kind of the opposite of how we

Wasn't Daryl Gates the consultant for the SWAT games?

So is it kind of like a more robust version of Mint? I've been looking for something easy to use, since my wife (who also does our checkbook) is good with the checkbook management aspect but not that good with tech stuff, and Mint is a pain in the ass when it comes to interfacing with our credit union account.

I really want Shadowrun: Returns to be good, but given the backlog I'm currently looking at I think I'm gonna wait for the winter sale on that one (same thing with the Civ5 expansion, especially considering I have yet to spend any meaningful time playing the Civ5 bundle I bought LAST winter sale).

I saw "You Need a Budget" and almost picked it up simply for irony's sake. Have you done anything with it yet? It's one of those programs that I waver on, it's either something that'd be really useful or something that I'm already doing with a spreadsheet, and I can't tell which one.

The first one was really hard to get into, but once I got there I liked it a lot; the DLCs, though, kinda lost me. I'm starting up the second one now, can't decide which class to be yet (started as a hunter then restarted as a soldier and now wondering if maybe I was right the first time).

That's the thing, I'm not even playing them right now, they were just so cheap and I knew I'd want them eventually. Somehow Borderlands (the first one) was sucking up all my time, and now I'm about to get into Borderlands 2.

I pretty much always buy the DLC for these games when I buy the game; I figure, worst case, you buy the game heavily discounted and hate it, you're still way cheaper than otherwise. Best case, you save yourself a bunch of money now.