Magnakai Haaskivi

So let's all be honest: how deep is your backlog, what's on it, and what game(s) are you working on now that's keeping you from getting to it?

I really wanted to like V:TM:BL, but it was SO buggy...just kinda kept dying on me, and it felt strangely limited. I wanted it to be Morrowind (or at least NWN), it wasn't nearly as open as I'd hoped it would be. It's strange that, with all the vampire stuff going on these days, they haven't tried to make a more open

The comedy aside, NOLF had one of my all-time favorite weapons load-outs in gaming. For a game with a lot of quirky spy gadgets (lipstick grenades, anyone?) it let you have a lot of control over WHICH of those gadgets you'd use. Prefer a silenced sniper rifle to a revolver? Bacalov corrector to a spear gun? Then take

Agreed; I haven't done an actual campaign since college, and an actual GOOD campaign (or, rather, a FUN campaign) since high school...and that was 15 years ago.

I absolutely love that sword's look and design, and go out of my way to find people who've created mods of it (in longer versions, like Hadhafang, and in it's two-handed version as seen there) for Elder Scrolls and Neverwinter Nights games that I've played. I find the curved elven blades in the LotR movies to be the

Actually, the "building a pocket" idea is probably the best way; just use a lot of superglue or something so that the pieces stay in place.

Yeah, but then you still have the feel of the Lego plate on your hand and in your pocket.

G-man kind of reminds me of the Observers on Fringe. Actually, REALLY reminds me of them (or they remind me of him, whichever).

My daughters refer to him exclusively as "the hunky elf".

I looked to the left for the "Colin Hanks" byline and was sorely disappointed.

These sound awful, but Birthday Cake Oreos are amazing. I want more of those.

Cool; honestly, completely maxed isn't even my goal, just passably playable. I'm totally comfortable tweaking settings and resolution down for the right game, it's just gotten to the point where there've been a few that are pretty unplayable or pretty ugly.

I'm hoping so, I'll let y'all know. I hate having to drop money on something, but that seemed like a nice sweet spot between price and power.

That's what I was thinking, too; I've also had that a lot longer. I just hope that card will run them both.

Okay, so my current video card (a woeful 6450 that came with the computer) was never able to really run DX:HR. I just ordered a 650 Ti Boost and a new power supply, and I'm either playing this or "Witcher 2" first. Thoughts?

I don't know, I haven't gotten that far. I'm still plodding through "The Gunslinger". I just want to see Anna Torv in more things.

Yeah, it's more watery, so it seems like I need a little more in certain spots, or that I need to reapply a bit more frequently. However, it does seem to work as well as long as you're diligent; I burn like paper in fire without sunblock and this prevents that as well as the lotion does.

I zone out on music, though...for some reason it just doesn't really motivate me.

Interesting, I hadn't heard that; I kind of assumed it wasn't as good at first, but I've used it as my main protection for a couple of years now and it's held up alright. That said, it's not helpful if it prevents burning but STILL causes skin cancer.

See, I can't do audiobooks at all (I need a solid 45 minutes of just one thing, with good banter, to listen to; my mind wanders in audiobooks for some reason); I almost use the podcast as a timer for the jog (or walk, if my dog's there), knowing that I need to be done in an hour or a half hour or whatever. Books feel